Oh well..

I guess in the light of what had happened today, I have to make myself really clear.

Carrie, although I expected you to locate my blog sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be this soon. What I mentioned in the previous post (which was already deleted) was an exaggeration at the very worst. For the benefit of you, him and everyone else. Let me clarify matters.

It was a figure of speech, to summarise what had happened because I did not want to reveal details. When I said 6 months of hell, it meant because during that period we quarreled a lot and we weren't happy because of you-know-who. After that, our relationship had improved, I admit that. I did not meant to hurt you, or anybody, and if I did, I'm sorry. It was never my intention.

To others, we seem to portray ourselves as a sweet-loving-couple, which as a matter of fact, we were. We shared so many things together, and we complemented each other. You were my angel. We were almost perfect. Sure, we each have our own weaknesses, but who doesn't? You think I could let go that easily what we had together? You think I'm as heartless as that? All this while, I was hoping we could at least be friends.

The Carrie I know, has a pure heart, kind, loving and caring who never fails to love me with all her heart, and you were my first real love. It saddens me, that we are where we are now, hostile. I do not hate you, nor do I hate him, although I think he's quite immature after what he did today. I only have the best to think of you, and I pray that you're happy and safe everyday. Do you know that?

I really hope we can move on with our lives. And for that to happen, I need your blessing. I feel really uncomfortable with the situation we are in now. Why can't we just put our misunderstandings behind us and move on? If fate has put us at the end of our love relationship, why can't we continue caring in the capacity of a friend?