Wake up, ppl

There's people talking,
they talk about me,
they know my name, they think they know everything,
but they don't know anything about me
Hilary Duff

Been emo again lately. Hehe

You know, we sometimes wonder why, people are born in such a way, where we realise our mistakes only when it's just too little too late. Hence the word regret. But still, why? Won't life be perfect if we can instantly be aware of what we did, and make up for it. Or better still, realise the consequences before indulging in something stupid. Oh well, life's not perfect anyway right?

What word starts with the capital A, has double C, an O, a U, an N, a T, and an S?
That's right, its ACCOUNTS! Which does not happen to be the easiest subject in the world. Haha. Among the 4 subjects, I'm fucked the most at this subject. And to think I'm majoring in it. Haih. I need a personal tutor.