The Lazy Blogger

It has come to my realiasation that the title of this blog does not epitomise the nature of it. Hahaha. So today will be a truly lazy post.

As I was driving somewhere in Section 17 PJ today, there were 2 motorist who HONKED me. This is either because :

A. I was driving recklessly
B. They saw the 'Honk If You're Horny' sign at the back of my car
C. Jolene Ewe Ei Suan was showing vulgar hand signs .

Her finger is longer than my Jonny. Heehee

This is Sheena, who used my phone to take a random photo of the super-handsome Aaron. Hehe

Still looking cool despite his unwell condition

Would really like to say more, but my connection still sucks and I'm lazy. Hahahaha.