Back from the abyss

Moshi moshi!

It's really been awhile I've posted anything here, but I've been active in the blogosphere, channeling my efforts to the NATO blog, and in the future, the TBS Accounting Club blog. Throughout my hiatus, however, Nuffnang recorded a high no. of daily visitors for the last couple of months or so. Despite stating clearly that I wouldn't be blogging on the The Lazy Blogger anymore, you still keep coming back to check for updates.

How could I let my readers down?


So visit The Lazy Blogger more often from now on.

A lot has happened.

I was down with dengue yet again. This time's worse, liver was infected as well. Thanks to those who sent countless of messages every single day. Thanks to those foreigners from Korea and Brunei who visited me. I only have 1 Korean and 1 Bruneian friend, so you know who you are la. Hehe..

However, on my 5th night at Gleneagles, I was told that another close friend of mine, who was initially suspected to have dengue, has leukemia. My fellow NATOrians kept it from me initially, as I was also hospitalised that time. I was upset they didn't tell me at first, but I could understand why. I was shocked. He was the one I worked with at Taylor's Hostel Management, together we got to know lots of new chicks. He let me sleep in his room 3 nights a week while I was working at FCUK, together we share our sad pathetic love life. He was the one who could consistently beat me in FIFA. He was the one I can disturb and whack on MSN everynight. He was the one who would molest me in lectures. Sem 3 is much less fun without him.

I barely slept that night.

On a much happier note, I've been playing badminton regularly with the guys (and girls too). Though I humbly admit I'm nowhere near as good as the rest, I've been able to form a formidable partnership with Aaron. Hehe..

And oh, I went for a Karaoke session to celebrate Aaron's birthday, 2 days after I was discharged. It was my first ever time singing K, you know. Great fun, it was. One of my happiest moments in NATO.

Sem 3 is much much tougher than I expected it to be. CPL totally sucks. A part time lecturer who seems incompetent (although he is a nice man, I suppose). FA2 is whole new story, with all its strict standards. F&I is do-able so far. QM? Easier done than said. Hahahaha.

Thanks to KG's family for the dinner. It gives great pleasure to see him cheerful and happy.

The same can't be said about Euphoria though. KL next?