Myths & Facts

There's people talking,
They talk about me,
They know my name, they think they know everything,
But they don't know anything about me

Here's some of the common myths I heard about myself all the time, and its time I clarified them all.

Myth #1
He’s seeing someone special / Pursuing someone special / Likes someone special

This seems to be a popular question lately, having been asked a thousand times in the past week alone. The fact is, I’m not. I’m officially single and available. True, I might have been going out occasionally, but the official status is I’m single, available, and happy. I’ve not committed and have no intentions to commit anytime soon. As for my future “special someone”, my guess is as good as yours, it could even be you.

Myth #2
He only likes slim, hot, flawless chicks

It may sound cliché-ish, but nobody’s perfect. And truth to be told, physical attraction is what it is, attraction. First impression. It is only when you truly understand someone for a period of time, true feelings grow, regardless of how he/she looks like.

Myth #3
He flops his assignments/term tests on purpose, focusing on exams that matters only.

I’ve heard this in Form 5, Form 6, and now here when I’m doing my degree. It’s bullshit. I can’t flop on purpose, I can’t answer a question wrong on purpose, I can’t. All I’m saying is I wouldn’t mind too much if I don’t score the highest grades for my assignments, so as long I do well in my finals.

Myth #4

He can’t speak a word of any Chinese dialect.

I used to able to speak fluent Hokkien, until I decided to abandon it when I was 8, due to certain reasons. I speak basic Cantonese only when absolutely required to. I can mutter a few Mandarin words but for the wrong pronunciations. I prefer English as it's simply the best way to express myself.

Myth #5
He’s a playboy

This makes me laugh the most. And the fact that I’ve heard it a million times throughout my life makes me laugh a million times. Frankly, I wished I was, but sadly, I do not possess the physical attributes to be one.

Myth #6
He has a temper of 2 nuclear bombs put together

That is partially false. My philosophy remains simple. I can’t start a fight or explode in temper in an empty room. Someone has to make me angry for that to happen right? I’m generally nice to people who are nice to me. Ask anyone.

Myth #7
While he was with his ex, he never really really really loved her

I know most readers knew me after I broke up, Myth #7 is bullshit, and probably the one that hurts most.