
Sorry for the late updates. Cable broke down and laptop's bluetooth cacated.

But, as of the 17th of February 2008, I'm officially an adult! It means I can do adult stuff like watching adult movies? Commit adultery? Hoho.

Anyway, since most of you guys are scattered all over the region, I'll be having a small gathering by the end of this month ya. As for now, a million thanks to those who wished me, with special mentions to Elizabeth, who was the first to wish me at midnight (midnight in Australia though, lol), to those who bothered to sms and call me at 4am in the morning, right after Man Utd thrashed Arsenal 4-0, to those who wished me although we lost contact for 4 years, and even to those who wished me belatedly.

And thanks to Sheena who got me this wonderful cake.

In FCUK's fitting room

Which was so yummy, she had to have some as well

My parents got me a cake too, as always

I received lots of interesting presents this year..

An Adidas shirt

Another T-Shirt from Samuel & Kevin

MU's Treble season DVD

And a MU pillow!

With Ronnie's name on the back

Oh but it turns out I can't vote in this year's elections cuz I didn't register with the SPR on time. What a waste.