Fucking Hell

If there is time where I would like to say Fuck You to God, there can be no better day than this.

Why, on a day where I decided to trust my instincts that the Federal Highway would be smooth, just to save toll money, did You decide to put an accident there?

Why, on a day I need to be at my calmest to extract all the information out of my brain for Marketing, did you have to give me massive diarrhea at the perfect moment and screw up my paper?


Oh well, although He can be a pain in the ass, God is still God. Just like parents. Hehe

At the moment whenI felt I was at my lowest, when I felt my efforts studying Marketing were all washed down the drain, when I felt no day could get worse than this, when I had no motivation whatsoever to study Management, when my thoughts drifted towards her, wishing for her to be there for me, You sent her.

Thank you